Polyvore Remix - Outfits & Styling ideas app for iPhone and iPad
Ever wonder what to wear? Polyvore Remix will show you. Discover what’s trending daily and get inspiration for how to style any item, powered by our global style community.
New Outfit Right Now!
When you have five minutes to get dressed and feel like your closet could use a major boost, check out Polyvore Remix. Found the perfect dress? Polyvore Remix will help you find great shoes and a bag that go with it. It’s like having an on-call personal stylist, giving you tips on how to put together amazing looks.
Fresh Daily
Millions of trending styles, with more arriving every day, from the Polyvore Style Community. Check out Polyvore Remix daily for what’s new.
Love That!
But not sure how to wear it? Polyvore Remix shows you how to wear the latest trends from the runway, the red carpet and real life. You’ll get suggestions on colors and accessories that go with the fashions you love.
Weddings, formals, interviews. Feel confident in your style with the help of Polyvore Remix.
"We found it dangerously addictive." -Refinery29
"This new app is reinventing the way you get dressed. Polyvore is taking personal styling apps to the next level." -Harpers Bazaar